Saturday, 29 July 2017

Martha and the Girdle of Power

It's Saint Martha's  Day! 

When she wasn't too busy making scones for  Christ whilst he revived her dead  brother Lazarus Saint Martha found the time, in First Century Judea, to defeat a dragon (called Tarasque) using her medieval girdle.

This method is still used to defeat Dragons today and Wyrd Kalendar have created a handy cut out and keep poster for you to cut out and keep (see above).

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Who doesn't want their own Dragon? Martha did. Here you can see her feeding it a bishop.
According to Legend Martha visited France in 48AD and started converting the French to  Christianity. 

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After defeating Tarasque the Dragon, Martha used it as a surfing aid. 
While she was visiting the town of Tarascon she discovered it was being terrorised by a dragon called Tarasque. She went out to meet the dragon, flicked holy water on it which calmed it down and then tied her girdle about its neck.
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Saint Martha was often seen taking the Dragon Tarasque for walks at the local park. This had to stop after it burnt the bins, ate three babies and scared a duck.
Once it was in her power soldiers came to town and killed it with their spears... however some say she kept it as a pet... others that they teamed up to form a crime-fighting team. (It has recently been reported that "Martha and the  Dragon" is currently being developed by Netflix.)
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Tarasque the dragon sadly died of complications brought on by morbid obesity. This was mainly due to its Bishop rich diet.
You can find out more about Saint Martha in Sister Mary Agatha Bootle's seminal work "Making Scones for  Christ."

Published by Esoheritix in 1977

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